

Thursday, 17 February 2011

That didn’t work out as planned! The Salvos $1 video tape did not work so we watched Brian’s 25th Anniversary dvd of Les Miserables with Alfie Bow, and an appearance of some of the old principal artists, performed last year at the O2 (the failed Millennium Dome now a fantastic performance centre) and ended up with tears down our cheeks. What a show!
Next morning sheets of rain again but, reliable as ever, it was dry by 10 so we set off for Brissie. - Brian to Roma Street and I to the museum after a little trudge around the city in between the heavy showers. But it’s so hot! The sort of weather you could strip off and dance about in but not in Queen Street! I see the locals have started wearing their winter clothes!
The museum has been temporarily moved to an office block up Ann Street due to a major renovation of City Hall and there were token gestures of displays of skateboarding and of the Melbourne telegraph system. Good in their way but disappointing as representative of Brisbane. The man says they are spending so much money on City Hall it must be good but it’s still 2 years away! Hope the Queensland Museum opens before we leave as I read the Art Galleries are now in business after the floods and I can get there next week.
Arrived back before Brian so got in some R and R with my book before he returned with no cops. 05 still has not appeared!
We stayed up later than usual to watch Arsenal v Barca – what a game! Felt sorry for Messi! Brian said ‘you don’t half have to be fit to be a footballer these days’! Went to bed exhausted!

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