

Saturday, 19 February 2011

We thought we would beat the Saturday crowds by going to the pool early. How wrong can you be? They were all there! No car or bike parking, no seats or beds left, lovely big groups and families all set in for a day’s swimming, eating and drinking! Eskies, stubbies, 4-packs, sausages and bacon on the barbecues for breakfast, everybody protected against the sun in T-shirts, shorts and hats – even in the pool! The only place we could find for Brian to sit was in the toddler’s area so I left him there, with his book, surrounded by little girls and boys and countless adult minders! I had a great swim!
Coffee, food shop, lunch back at the base and a determination to keep out of the sun for the rest of the day! It was getting up to 34c, I have never seen such a huge sun surrounded by a vast area of glare and later on tonight it’s full moon and that is big and beautiful. A very high tide laps at the promenade as we cycled along so it’s all coming at us!
They are going to start emptying the Wyvenhoe Dam tomorrow as they think it would be better lower in anticipation of all the rain that is forecast so we shall have to see if we notice any difference! At the moment for the coming week we are forecast 36c and no rain!
We left before 5 p.m. to meet up with Brian’s family to celebrate Elliot’s 10th birthday at the Arrivaderci Pizza House in Milton – one stop on the train from Roma Street. What a fabulous place! Very Italian, lots of red, white and green and we all 14 tucked in to two x one metre long pizzas, birthday cake and Italian ice cream. Packed out in no time with many people cheering on the Brisbane Roars win on TV too! It was good to see Bob and Pat again and we wish them well for a great time on the Ghan next week. We hope Sophie is feeling better today. We all ate far too much of the fantastic pizza selection – prawns, satay chicken, ham, mushrooms, pineapple and so on and the cake and cassata ice cream were delicious. To heck with the diet! Good to hear Jeremy had another successful cricket day, at Wynnum this time, with Keryn and Jill in attendance, but most important of all – A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIOT
Thank you very much for asking us – it was great!

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