

Monday, 31 January 2011

For all those who said 'have a nice holiday' today has been a typical day! We get as much food, rest and punishment as at a Health Farm!
Up at 5 a.m. with the fruit-bats and ravens, 2 Weetabix and a green tea for breakfast, 2 loads of washing and then an hour's cycling in 30c to get up a nice sweat. Round the Dowse Lagoon to keep an eye on the ibises, egrets, spoonbills and cormorants, also have seen Sacred Kingfisher, Noisy Miners, Bluefaced Honeyeater and lots of Rainbow Lorikeets. Then to coffee, slimmer's lunch and a rest before cycling to the pool for 6x50m lengths. Are you tired already? I am! Return, tea, 6 o'clock news, fruit-bat flyover and an evening of Grand Designs, Coast, Australia's Funniest Videos and Absolutely Fabulous! Bed by 8.30 p.m. with the rest of Sandgate it seems!
Oh the insects! For those of you who thought we would get eaten alive to date the in-house count has been one Bull Ant, one House Fly, a few little ants in the bath and 2 cockroaches (dead) We have lovely little 1 inch long lizards up the screen doors but no snakes, crocodiles or other man-eating pests! The glorious part of the wildlife are the birds - the air is full of them and their various attempts at song - a pleasure we will find difficult to forget.

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