I shall have to be careful with this blog! If I do it too often you will be bored witless as we are not adventuring enough to keep you enthralled and if I don’t do it I will lose you! Anyway bear with me and click on the address about every 2-3 days and I will keep it going. It’s a good way of keeping in touch without lots of individual emails. I will try for some good pics too.
Lovely drying out weather so far and we are pleased for Brisbane so that the flooded areas can clear up and get roads back etc. The work done has been amazing but now the saddest sights are the huge heaps of mangled furniture, personal effects and driftwood building up on spare lots prior to being disposed of in landfill or incinerators. The aim is to give every flooded home the uplift of a clear view and start before repairs and rebuilding.
Sunday, after lunch at The Coffee Shop, (good) we took a free train ride as far as it went -Sandgate to South Bank, which traverses the city, and were surprised that apart from the very swollen muddy coloured river there was very little evidence of the tragedy. The CBD is still closed and I think the UGG shop survived so when it opens I will get there! Keep reminding myself! A 38, 39 and two 41s! Johanna, Leah and Kate await!
Monday we awoke to busy noises outside and found a lovely lady and boy cutting lawns and tidying trees - all neat now. While we could, we took another free ride down the Beenleigh line - you have to be with a trainspotter to understand why! It has become hotter - 30c - but we managed as the trains are air-conditioned!! It was the first get- back- to- work day and the transport system returned to normal. We had a few blips but great it happened at all so soon!
Good to have some news from our first blog. Thank you Kate, Elizabeth and Stewart, Liz E, Jenny, Russell, Sue. Nice to be in touch with Jill and Keryn - first meetings-up on Wednesday with Jeff and Keryn and on Thursday to have lunch with Jill and Brian’s Auntie Marjorie who is now nearly 101!
Tuesday already and we must stock up with provisions early as we are promised 33c and a thunderstorm!
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