It looks as if our honeymoon period with the weather may be over! There are two potentially nasty cyclones lurking in the Pacific, one due to hit the coast well north of here on Monday and the other who knows where next Thursday! For the moment the weather is beautiful! Blue skies, a few scudding clouds and 29c so it’s off for the Saturday shop, coffee and a trip to Salvos where we have seen a holdall for $10! Check it out, it’s good, and what’s even better it’s half price day so we get it for $5! That will sort out our overflow luggage!
Steak day – a nice porterhouse and salad, a rest and off to the pool. There’s quite a breeze, which feels like the edge of something bigger and brings a shiver to the pool. All the locals are going home but we battle on – raised on the beaches of Cornwall where you sunbathe in a cagoule and heat soup in a billy for lunch!
Anyway we have stocked up on packet food, batteries, matches and another torch so we will have to ride it all out if the second cyclone heads this way. It just seems so sad for Queensland that it’s had such a battering this year and may face more. The repair bill is enormous – at the moment estimate $8billion and rising. Not happy here - there’s to be a flood levy - getting very political! Feels like home!
Most of Victoria is flooded, Western Australia has its own cyclone and bush fires inland and Andrew Murray will have to play the Open final in 40c.
We had a lovely Sunday at Pullenvale with Jill and Les, Jeff and Keryn, Jeremy, Elliott, Amelia, Sophie, and Sian and Shep. Great steaks and a cupcake tier made by Keryn and the children for the birthday “kids”. Thank you all so much for these special days.
When it was obvious we were getting another bashing we tried to look as if we didn’t care too much about the cricket!! Our predicted loss for Andy Murray came up too!
Travelling through the western suburbs made real the pictures of the floods with dried out devastated homes and businesses, boats in trees and water-lines high up the sides of banks and walls. So much work to be done but it is amazing that many are up and running already, the roads are clear and the public transport is moving.
Happily the first cyclone reduced in strength overnight Sunday and only brought 14 inches of rain, high winds and no serious damage or loss of life. Alas the monster is still lurking out there and the State awaits Thursday with dread! In the meantime I have just done 2 loads of washing – out at 8.30 a.m. and dry by 9.30a.m.!
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